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【慕晴日常日記 #D6】WIRFORCE感謝!!

【英文翻譯下收 English Translation at the bottom】

非常感謝大家到WIRFOCE野台和我們線下連動 你們真的好棒喔!QQ 也感謝我們光妹和SODA子連夜把影片趕出來!


天天都帶著感恩的心感謝大家那麼照顧我!(ಥ﹏ಥ) 容許我去哭一哭!

愛死你們了! (ಥ﹏ಥ) 每周英文教學

Offline Meet-and-Greet : 線下粉絲見面會


11.27.2023 Thank you so much to everyone who came to WIRFOCE Outdoor Show!

You guys are really awesome! QQ

Also, thanks to our beautiful guang tou and SODA-KO for working tirelessly to get the video out for this particular event!

Honestly, after joining SODAART, I've experienced a lot of things I've never done before! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

Every day, I carry a grateful heart and thank everyone for taking care of me! (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Now, excuse me, allow myself to go cry at the corner....

Love y'all so much! (ಥ﹏ಥ)



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